vector pattern中文什么意思

发音:   用"vector pattern"造句
  • vector:    n. 1.【数学】向量,矢量,动径。 ...
  • pattern:    n. 1.模范,榜样;典范。 2.型 ...
  • pattern vector:    模式矢量
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  1. Our proposed methods , matpca & matflda , can deal with not only the vector pattern , but also matrix pattern
    我们提出的基于矩阵表示模式的特征提取方法( matpca和matflda ) ,不仅能直接处理向量表示的模式更能处理矩阵表示的模式,因此避免了上述问题。
  2. In addition , a vector pattern can be recombined into a matrix pattern using some matrixization technique and then be processed by matpca & matflda
  3. The operating object of all these linear classifiers is vector pattern , i . e . , before applying them , any non - vector pattern should be firstly vectorized into a vector pattern
  4. In above mentioned matpca & matflda , a vector pattern is firstly reshaped into a matrix pattern and then processed by pca & flda . it follows a first - matrixization - then - extraction path
  5. It also analyses two patterns of gis case storage , by grid and vector , finally gives management content of gis case , key technology , workflow of two patterns and the contract between grid pattern and vector pattern
    论文分析了gis案例存储管理的两种模式? ?栅格模式与矢量模式,并对这两种模式进行了深入地探讨,归纳出了gis案例存储管理的内容、关键技术以及这两种模式的管理流程,并对这两种管理模式的优缺点进行了对比。


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